Jul 11, 2022Liked by Garro@CleanEnergyDisruption

I have documented proof of slandering vicious attacks brutal beating death of my personal friend phone records screenshots people's names government officials here in Flint Michigan and nobody will do a damn thing because they're all involved the far left people who committed all these crimes do not want to hear the truth they're covering their asses and going to keep doing so until we take them out take them down legally go in with military and arrest them and put them away these people are DSM one Insanity they were released into society in 1973 when they change the global mental health codes and legalized ass sex sodomy of Boy Scouts of America and they legalized abortion murderers and that's what Roe versus wages overturned now we have to overturn the global mental health codes because by changing the global mental health codes dsm1 to dsm3r they installed their sexual perverts into office illegally for decades there's been election fraud there hasn't been in a legal election since the assassination of JFK

AustinSteinbartisQ is absolutely correct

Demanding the release of full unredacted JFK files will bring down the whole house of cards on both sides of the aisle all around the globe they were all involved that's what we're going through the global shutdown is all about covering their asses for the assassination of JFK

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Thanks for subscribing Bobby~! Keep up the good fight Brother, the tide has changed~!

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